大发888dafa 阅读时间:4分钟

就结婚了? 综合大发888dafa指南

到2020年,这一数字将接近1%.全美有700万人喜结连理. Many things can change when combining your households and finances, and insurance is one of them. 当你在整理你的婚礼清单时, remember that insurance companies recognize marriage as a major life event. 因此, you can typically make changes to your policies at this time outside of any applicable open enrollment periods.1

It's important to remember that your new couple status can grant you access to better coverage and lower rates. For instance, you can often get discounts on multiple policies purchased through the same company. 这可能意味着预算中有更多的空间用于更好的覆盖.

Here are the marital benefits associated with the major insurance categories.


如果你是, 例如, 25岁单身男子, insurance companies look at you differently once you walk down the aisle. Married men and women are typically offered 4–10 percent lower premiums than single ones, and many insurers discount rates when you combine your cars under the same policy.2

如果你和你的配偶有不同的大发888dafa公司, you may want to ask both companies how much you can save by combining your policies. 甚至更好的, you might consider shopping around for multi-car discounts and comparing the quotes to see which company offers the best rates for the coverage you want.


生活 insurance can be an important element of your financial planning strategy. 如果你已经买了人寿大发888dafa, you should remember to update your beneficiaries to include your wife or husband.

如果您没有人寿大发888dafa或希望重新检查您的保单, 有几个因素需要考虑. 一旦你结了婚,你就有可能把你们的财务状况结合起来. 考虑到这一点, many couples meet with a financial professional to discuss how to build life insurance into their financial planning strategy.

在审查你当前或新的政策时, you should make sure that your life insurance covers the loss of income if one of you passes away. 如果你出了什么事, your spouse may find it difficult to meet monthly expenses based on one income. 例如, if you move from two separate apartments into a home that you own together, 抵押贷款可能比你自己负担得起的要高得多. Taking out life insurance gives you and your spouse a cushion in case the unthinkable happens.

In most cases, the change in marital status positively impacts your life insurance premiums. 这意味着你续保时可以省钱.

Once you have children, it's time to review your life insurance policy again. 此时此刻, you should add in your kids as beneficiaries and consider increasing your policy amount to cover other costs, 比如大学学费.


Health insurance presents another opportunity to save by combining policies. In some instances, both you and your spouse may have group coverage through your employers. You should consider both the coverage and premium you would pay as a married couple under each policy. 然后, it would be wise to choose the most advantageous one and update the coverage to reflect your marital status.

你通常有最多60天的时间来做这些改变, 根据生活重大事件的特殊入学期限确定, 比如结婚, 生孩子, 等等....... Check with each insurer to make sure that you make the change within the allowable time frame. It's almost always cheaper to combine your coverage than to keep separate policies, 尤其是如果你已经有了孩子.3

自雇配偶, it's typically cheaper to join the policy of a spouse covered by an employer’s group policy. You should consider factors like deductibles and co-pays to help you make the best decision for your new family status.


如果你们还没有住在一起, 在合并家庭之后,有一些事情需要注意. First, it's important to remember to cancel any home or renters insurance that you won't need.

第二个, 房主大发888dafa包括实体结构——你的家, 栅栏, 棚屋, 还有独立式车库,以及你的私人物品. New couples should be sure to increase any existing policy limits to cover both spouses' valuables. 除了, you should make sure to add or include your spouse on the policy that you end up choosing.


Property and casualty insurance companies typically offer more than one type of insurance. 例如, consider ABC 大发888dafa, which sells both home and auto insurance. If you and your spouse need home insurance and would like to save money on coverage for your two vehicles, 大发888dafa公司可能会提供多线路折扣. 增加你的储蓄机会, 您可能需要与至少三个不同的供应商进行比较.

在你们一起适应新生活的时候, it's important to reassess and combine insurance policies within the special enrollment period. 如果你对大发888dafa范围有疑问, 马上大发dafa888澳门你的财务专家或大发888dafa代理人. He or she can help you determine the types of coverage needed and how to save on policy premiums.

1. 疾病预防控制中心.政府,2022
2. Investopedia.2022年4月14日
3. 医疗保健.政府,2022

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. 本材料中的信息不作为税务或法律建议. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. 请咨询法律或税务 professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. This material was developed and produced by 消费品套件 to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. 消费品套件不隶属于指定的经纪自营商, 国家或证券交易委员会注册的投资咨询公司. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. 版权 消费品套件.


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Your family's needs and assets are critical considerations when determining how much life insurance to invest in. Use this four-step process to help you calculate how much life insurance you need.



你发现自己突然单身了吗? 下面是你现在可以采取的3个步骤.



虽然有很多因素会影响你的汽车大发888dafa费率, 这五个你会想要放在你的脑海里.